I’m getting started to do my think aggressively. My thing I’m working on putting many years of thought and doing into real time as I’m done my obligations to the world. Now it’s Me and Duchess my German Shepard. Live on a mountain started 7 years ago almost finished small castle on 5 acres and it’s all self-sustainability without any debt. 5,000 to start and 1,500 a month. Starting to talk all the videos and pics and putting together a documentary. Teach Show Free. Also wisdom since I first read Ron Paul’s short booklet about world government. The New World Order.

I like New World Brotherhood. I broke free of the system many Lear’s ago with natural know how from my parents and grandparents. I’ll be sharing the booklet all of it this week. Ask for it next week.

Love you All

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you're welcome, love the idea about getting to the point where i can use my...down the most obscure rabbit holes due to my ocd/adhd digging talents. I rarely find anything other than the vanishing of hours of time. I am going to look at your vote post more closely and see if i can start researching my area. I think i will upgrade. Love the sense of humor. Thanks to u and all the others @ Badlands. You r very important to winning this war. Keep it up. Pray to the only one with no price 4 betrayal...God. We keep u all in our prayers in my family.-Davis, CLW

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